In 2008, I combined my love of books with my love of parties. The idea was simple... our family would choose and read a great book. I would invite others to read the same book. I would collect $5 from each participant, plan games, contests, decorations, food and prizes all focused on the theme of the book! The money given by each participant would allow an ample budget for loads of book club party fun! The parties have been wildly successful. As a homeschool mom, I'm proud to say that we learn a little something, too!

Read more here about me, my family and my Book Club Parties. Discuss with me upcoming books and parties, make book suggestions, discuss other books I've read or books you're reading. Also, hopefully (sometime soon) get complete BOOK CLUB PARTY INSTRUCTIONS for all the book club parties I've thrown since 2008!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Dead Until Dark" by Charlaine Harris

Dead Until Dark is the first novel in the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. I got the first six paperbacks at a steal last year, and Kaylie decided to read the first one. She was also into reading another series at the time, so she got behind... THANKFULLY! Dead until Dark & all the other Sookie bookies are NOT for kids & teens. The story is inventive, exciting and fast paced. It is also slightly provocative. I wish authors wouldn't ruin perfectly good stories with text that is better left to the imagination! That said, I enjoyed the book. I enjoyed it enough that I plan to read the other five paperbacks I have. I won't be allowing Kaylie to read them though, unless I rip out several pages!!! Sorry, Kaylie-Bird. You've been censored.
bill and sookie Pictures, Images and Photos

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