In 2008, I combined my love of books with my love of parties. The idea was simple... our family would choose and read a great book. I would invite others to read the same book. I would collect $5 from each participant, plan games, contests, decorations, food and prizes all focused on the theme of the book! The money given by each participant would allow an ample budget for loads of book club party fun! The parties have been wildly successful. As a homeschool mom, I'm proud to say that we learn a little something, too!

Read more here about me, my family and my Book Club Parties. Discuss with me upcoming books and parties, make book suggestions, discuss other books I've read or books you're reading. Also, hopefully (sometime soon) get complete BOOK CLUB PARTY INSTRUCTIONS for all the book club parties I've thrown since 2008!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Extreme MUDO book club party & the author I dislike!!!

So, THE DEAD-TOSSED WAVES book club party yesterday was a total blast. A horde of zombies came out to party along with a few soulers and their MUDO pet. We also had a few brave uninfected souls come out, but they weren't uninfected for long!!!

We played ZOMBIE JEOPARDY learning that zombies originate from Haiti and that DEADicated zombies swim in the Dead Sea! TEAM "Rotting Death" won with 4,400 points and were awarded with ZOMBIE KNOW-IT-ALL certificates while TEAM "Bob Zombie" lost with a -400 points and were given nothing! We then teamed up to rid the forest of fifty-plus MUDO while receiving points for the "type" of mudo caught and correct answers to questions linked to each mudo. TEAM Carol Anne / Josh and TEAM Regan / Kaylie were awarded ZOMBIE HUNTER certificates for their excellent skills in this game. All the zombies in attendance also had a great meal that included stuffed intestines, scabs, brain, people mush, cherry - pudding - and gummy eyeballs, weinie-bugs, soul-a-bration cake, zombie punch & more that I can't seem to remember right now!

Other prizes awarded include:
BEST ZOMBIE costume... Kaylie
Runner up... Nicholas
BEST ZOMBIE food... Ani
BEST ZOMBIE art... Katharine

Lastly, we read the AWESOME (if I do say so myself) letter that went out two months ago to the author of The Dead-Tossed Waves. I invited her to our little gathering promising to celebrate her and ooohh and aahhh over her books. She lives in Charlotte with her husband, and I thought just maybe she would come. SHE DIDN'T. I did expect a reply to my letter, since her website promises this. I even sent her a self-addressed stamped envelope for promised zombie stuff WHICH I NEVER GOT!!! OH WELL... I guess we don't have to like the author to like the book! I say...

MUDO POOP ON YOU, Carrie Ryan! You missed a great party!